I’ll be honest with you, Pinterest can be a beast. But I know that you’ve heard about how your IG bestie exploded her business through Pinterest and now you’re curious: should I hire a Pinterest manager?
If you’re being honest with yourself, you don’t really know where to start or you don’t have the time to learn a whole new platform, so outsourcing might be the right choice!
I know that hiring a Pinterest expert can be a daunting task, not only because there’s so many amazing ones on the internet, but also because it’s an investment in your business! I want to personally pitch you my 7 best reasons to work with me so you can decide if this partnership can be beneficial to you. Let’s dive in!

1. We will probably be friends.
Now I know what you’re thinking: wait, really? My answer is: YUP!
I work with mama’s just like you who are in the thick of running or starting businesses–the ones who are working at 2am while they feed their babies, the ones who are sending me DM’s and voice memos from the carpool line, the one’s who are passionate about providing for their families while still being a present mama.
And that brings people together by sharing bits and pieces of our lives that aren’t entirely just business. At the end of the day, we are more than “just a mom” or “just a business owner”, we are our businesses. We are our families. And sometimes that has to crossover.
The crossover is welcome here.
In fact, It’s so welcome here that I’m sure you’ll meet (hear) one of my many “coworkers” in voice memos–whether that be Abby or Ruby the office emotional support dogs, or Jed or Paislee, the ones who are actually in charge of everything in our household office.
2. I’ll turn into your business’s number one fan.
I’ll go in the trenches with you in your business, I’ll listen to your voice memos about your business goals, dreams, and new product launches, I’ll get marked as “spam” on your Instagram account because I will interact with everything you post, and I’ll give you honest feedback when you ask the question “should I rebrand”?
I also love to find a way to brag on you in my weekly newsletter; Sips, Tips, & Trends.
I’m also an automatic opt-in into your weekly newsletter.
Basically, I’ll be your new business bff (not my words, words straight from a client’s mouth)!
3. I want to give you more of your most valuable currency: your time.
Guess what? There’s a lot that goes into starting a business or brand. Then there’s a lot of time running that said business or brand, especially if you’re doing it all on your own!
As a mama, I want to do everything that I possibly can to make sure that your time is being used well. I want to make sure that you have time to do all of your business things, and all of the other things like kids sporting events, self care, quality time with your family, reading a book, picking up a new hobby; all while traffic is being driven to your online space. #blessed
4. I nerd out over the numbers.
Sometimes I geek out over numbers. Okay fine, I only nerd out about the Pinterest numbers.
I’m not talking about the vanity metrics like impressions and followers (not saying they aren’t important),but I’m talking about your outbound clicks, the sales that came from your funnels, the saves, and the Pin clicks. The ones that get you the traffic you deserve.
And that’s saying something, because in all honesty I dislike math and numbers.
5. I want to help you succeed and grow your business.
I want to make you that next “Her #1 traffic driver is Pinterest” success story.
Those big goals you have: the income, the freedom, going full time, whatever it may be, I want to help you by doing what I do best, so that you can do what you do best and reach those goals.

6. I won’t make you hop on a video call.
I’m pretty sure I just lost about half of the people that were considering working with me, but hear me out.
Not only do I hate (okay, hate is a strong word–let’s go with DESPISE) despise discovery calls, I just simply don’t have time for them in this season. I have two babies that I stay at home with, and in all honesty I don’t want to spend my two precious nap time hours on a call, and my other work hours usually happen at 4:30 am and I don’t think you want to hop on a call then.
To make up for it, I utilize voice memos, Canva presentations, and loom videos. I promise you that this is an effective way to communicate, and you will feel very (if not even more so) supported and informed while we are working together!
The only time we will hop on a call at all really is if you request it, or the first 30-60 minutes of your Pinterest In A Day Session.
7. I’m OBSESSED with Pinterest
I’m going to be honest with you. If you’re looking to hire a Pinterest manager or have someone teach you the ins and outs of Pinterest, they should probably be obsessed with Pinterest and be active on the platform themselves.
This is a bit controversial in the Pinterest management world, because a lot of people will often say, “I would rather spend my time working on client accounts” which I get, too.
But, I LOVE Pinterest. And I basically preach the results you can get with it, so why wouldn’t I be there?
Now that you know about me, here’s a glimpse into who I work best with:
Let’s name her Margo. Mostly because I love the name Margo, but also because I don’t actually know anyone named Margo. Anyways…
Margo is a 29 year old mama with three littles and she’s been married for seven years to a guy she met on a dating app back when it was kinda weird still, but they’ve had a great relationship and continue to be intentional about their marriage despite their three kiddos. She is very involved in her kids lives and volunteers in things like their Sunday school classes and loves to attend anything with the words “mommy and me”. She’s a small town girl with big dreams of creating a life for her family that she wasn’t blessed with growing up.
She’s a blogger who has just decided to take that next step in monetizing, but doesn’t want to give up more of her most valuable currency: her time. She lives a busy, full life, and doesn’t have time for the fluff, especially since her work sessions consist of 5am wake ups and working through nap times. She’s scoured Pinterest and Instagram for next steps, but truthfully she wants a straight-forward approach to grow and monetize her business without adding something else to her plate, so that all of her extra time can be spent with her sweet family doing the things that she loves.
If you resonate with Margo (or hey maybe you are Margo) and you’re ready to get more help with your Pinterest Marketing, here’s how I can help:
-Subscribe to my weekly newsletter: Sips, Tips, & Trends. You get a yummy beverage recipe, a Pinterest Marketing Tip, and a weekly “what’s trending” report
-Follow along on Instagram & Pinterest for free resources and trainings
-Grab a scroll stopping Pin Pack from The Pin Shop
-Never ask What should I Pin On Pinterest ever again and let me take Pinterest Marketing off your to-do list completely, OR give me one day and I’ll teach you how to DIY your Pinterest marketing like the pros! Click here to see the services.
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