


Pinterest tips

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Helping you go social media optional with Pinterest marketing

Welcome to the Blog

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Look, I know you’re not new to Pinterest Marketing, but sometimes when you delve deeply into something, you lose track of the finer details of it and how you can actually use it to grow your business.  Now I know what you’re thinking, isn’t Pinterest for getting my weekly dinner plan together or planning my […]

What Even is Pinterest Marketing and Why is it Important for Business Growth

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Marketing for busy entrepreneurs in a sustainable way seems so out of reach sometimes.   We get stuck wondering things like, “How do I reach my target audience?” or “What marketing tactics should I focus on?” When you’re unsure what to do, it’s hard to move forward. The good news is, it doesn’t have to […]

The Perfect Organic Marketing Strategy For Busy Entrepreneurs

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Are you tired of scrolling through the same old social media platforms, and feeling like your business is relying on an algorithm to get seen by your dream clients? In walks: Pinterest. Specifically, Pinterest for small businesses. Yes, that’s right, the platform where you go to plan your dream wedding and save recipes you’ll never […]

Wondering How To Use Pinterest For Small Businesses? Here’s The Tea.

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I know you’ve heard it–blogging is dead. But is it? The answer is a fat no. Blogging is NOT dead, especially when you are blogging for your business. Now I know what you are thinking. Should I really be spending my precious time as an entrepreneur blogging for my business when I have 7 million […]

5 Reasons You Should Be Blogging For Your Business

Picture of coffee and laptop

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Are you using Pinterest in your marketing strategy? Without proper optimization and understanding the platform, there are a lot of ways that people get tripped up when they use Pinterest for business growth. Let’s chat about three common mistakes I see made with Pinterest in marketing and how to avoid them. Mistake #1: Not Optimizing […]

3 Mistakes to Avoid When Using Pinterest in Marketing

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You’ve made the reels & you’ve created the carousels. You’ve danced to the latest TikTok trends, and you have spent hours creating a beautiful website to showcase you and your business, but you’re still struggling to increase your website traffic and actually get people to your online spaces.  You know that you have a product/service […]

4 Tips For Using Pinterest To Increase Website Traffic

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Tired of solely growing your business with Instagram? Are you creating reel after reel and still not getting the results you want?  If that’s you, I encourage you to stop putting all of your eggs in the Instagram basket, and put some into Pinterest marketing. I know, I know.  It can be scary and overwhelming […]

Tired Of Growing Your Business With Instagram?

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As a Pinterest Marketing Strategist & Educator, the majority of the DM’s that slide into my inbox consist of something along the lines of will Pinterest Marketing work for my business?  The short answer: yes.  I truly believe that every single business can benefit from Pinterest marketing, buuuttttt you may have to get creative as […]

Will Pinterest Marketing Work For My Business?

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If you’ve been around the Pinterest world at all or have heard of any type of automated scheduler, you have heard of Tailwind and how your should be using it for your Pinterest Marketing.  Now, this might be a hot take, but I personally do not use Tailwind for myself or for my monthly Pinterest […]

Why I Don’t Use Tailwind For Pinterest Marketing As A Pinterest Manager

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Helllooooo November.  Looking for some inspo on content planning/what you should be going into the archives to Pin this month?  Check these out! Pro tip: If you already have some of these types of content, create a couple of fresh Pins with updated/trendy design, especially if it’s seasonal content!  Here’s what typically trends on Pinterest […]

What Should I Pin On Pinterest In November?

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Vinyl portland heirloom hoodie forage organic pinterest 8-bit palo santo XOXO, fingerstache vice. Single-origin coffee church-key trust fund snackwave glossier godard organic semiotics small batch typewriter mumblecore umami selvage cronut cardigan. 

Let's do this!!

Ready to ditch the social media hustle and grow your business with a strategy that actually fits your life?